Random Acts of Kindness
We love to Pay it Forward here at T-BONES, CJ's, Cactus Jack's, and Copper Door and Random Acts of Kindness have always been part of our company's culture. In 2015 we decided to bring our love of these random acts up another notch... and have been surprising guests with free desserts, free appetizers, free meals and other cool surprises at all our locations almost daily! It does not stop there; each recipient is then given a $25 Pay It Forward dining certificate to present to a random person to keep the momentum going. We love doing this so much that we've dedicated an entire website to the stories and memories we've created and are creating everyday... Enjoy!
Random Acts of KindnessVisit the link above to see all Random Acts of Kindness or take a look below for some sample RAKs!

Like It Was Yesterday
CJ's lunch RAK went to some old high school friends! They haven't seen each other since high school (went to Memorial), and recently were able to get each other's email addresses to get back in touch. One of them lives in Africa 9 months out of the year and works at a hospital where she teaches natives how to be lab techs. The couple is from California and every once in a while get to come back to NH. Well they're back right now for a graduation this weekend, and she happens to be back in the states, so they came to their favorite stop when they get back to NH! They were so thrilled to have their lunch paid for and were very excited to give away the certificate!

21st Birthday Celebration
Tonight at CJ's we celebrated a 21st birthday for Sam (on the right) I bought his meal and apps for the table and his first "legal" drink. He and his parents and buddies were blown away by our promo. They all shook my hand when they left and I know we left a lasting impact on them!
Manchester Tooth Fairy
Tonight, a little boy came in who had just lost his first tooth. He was so excited and telling everyone about it. When his parents gave him the choice of where he wanted to go to celebrate, he chose CJ's for our Make Your Own Sundae. I went over and asked him all about how he lost his tooth, and bought him and his little brother dessert. I also gave the parents a gift card since *spoiler alert* they're the ones who shell out for the tooth fairy. The whole family was very excited and happy to Pay It Forward.
First Father's Day
CJ's RAK tonight went to Jay who was in with his wife and small daughter. She was very talkative and having a good time and I could see she had him wrapped around her finger. I know the feeling! When I stopped over to check in on them, he told me tomorrow was his 1st Father's Day so this made it an easy choice for me. He was absolutely taken aback and I think may have been close to tears. He made sure to thank me a million times and I know he already has a Pay it Forward in his head.
10 Year Anniversary!
My Random Act of Kindness went to Lesley & Thomas. They are frequent customers of my old home, T-BONES Hudson, but tonight they decided to take a drive and come visit Cactus Jack's! They were here to celebrate their 10 year anniversary. These two were so sweet! This was actually their second marriage and they both never thought they would find love again. Thomas said after a year of chasing Lesley, she finally agreed to going on a date with him! 10 years later they're madly in love and you can totally tell! They were so excited to have been chosen as my RAK & they knew exactly who they were going to give their Pay it Forward certificate to!
Mom of 3 for Lunch
Yesterday a mom of 3 was coming in for lunch with her kids. She had a 1 year old, a 3 year old, a 9 year and just herself. As a mom of 4, I know the desire to take your kids out and do nice things for them, but sometimes it is quite the task all by yourself. All of the children were so well behaved and the oldest was being very helpful. When I went over and told her that I was taking care of the entire check because of the connection I have with he situation she was floored and so surprised. Come to find out it was the oldest birthday and they were out to celebrate! SCORE!